A lot is going on in JD's little world and so this blog will have to be short. We are finalizing all the preps for next week's Arizona camp and so any downtime I actually have is spent SBRing instead of writing down my thoughts for the week.
I only want to mention one quick point about a conversation I had this week. A buddy and I were talking about how different people approach training, particularly those who are either 'all in' or 'all out.' This is not limited just to training hours, but to diet, alcohol, sleep, etc. For many, if they cannot do things "right" they choose to not do them at all.
I have continuously seen this with Long Course triathletes who believe that anything that isn't long, hard or stressful is not worth their time. They would just as soon 'take a zero' instead of logging 30 minutes of exercise that day. To them, triathlon cannot exist without the above.
I don't necessarily have these same issues. Part of that is a result of being in the sport for over seven years and knowing that any and all adaptations take a (very) long time. The second reason, and the one I want to expand upon a bit, is that I always see myself progressing forward; only the speed at which it is happening is what changes.
Lets make this visual. Take a line with two points. At one end is Point 'A,' at the other end is Point 'B.' Point A represents the first day you ever set out to improve as a triathlete and Point B is the best you could ever become.
In my mind I am always traveling from left to right. If I need a day off or when I go into the offseason I do not see myself as moving back towards the left; I merely stay at the same point on my path to B. I think this perspective allows me the flexibility to listen to my recovery needs better than others as well as maintaining a mentality that every session counts not matter how little the impact.
Don't let the complexity of life get in the way of your path. Keep things rolling and exploit the moments when you can speed things up a bit.
See you in AZ,