Altitude makes me sleepy

I typically try to write a blog every 5-7 days, but
its been nearly two weeks now since I wrote about my
lovely stomach ailment in Texas. Frankly, I would have
written earlier, but I've just been, well, tired. I
essentially became a 'triathlete + 1' for a couple
weeks while acclimating to altitude.

'Triathlete plus one' defined: I had the energy to do
my training 'plus' one more activity. That activity
ranged from cleaning my room, to laundry, to picking
up my bike case and other gear, but never reached the
blog. Normally I knock them out over early morning
coffee, but I've been sleeping through every_alarm,

Kind of made me laugh when BB and I made plans to get
going by 6:30-7:00 on about a dozen consecutive
mornings and I never even got out of bed until 7:30
(at the earliest). Luckily, he's pretty understanding
and flexible.


Its great to be back in this town. The first week is a
bit tough, but 5430 never seems_that_high since I
routinely go to 9500 when visiting my folks (and I
lived there years ago). Nevertheless, I still take
certain precautions in the first 3-7 (and even up to
14) days at altitude when arriving from sea level. My
best advice is to simply 'keep moving' during this
time period instead of following a normal training

An athlete needs to be really flexible during this
time period. Altitude training locales are always
filled with fit and motivated athletes, but I would
suggest holding off from those groups sessions (or
epic mountain rides) and becoming friends with your
thoughts for a few days. There is plenty of time to
get hammered into the ground and its probably best to
at least wait until the altitude isn't the variable
causing your heavy breathing.


Couple funny things...

I hurdled a snake Sunday while running around the
reservoir. It was in the 'read-to-strike' position and
everything and somehow I looked down in time to spring
over it.

I also hurdled some soccer balls during a track
workout (Thursday) since others were practicing while
I was running.

On Wednesday I was running along the Mesa trail and it
was becoming more and more muddy as the run
progressed. I kept telling myself it would surely get
better. Then I slid down the hill into a tree. I
turned around.


More to come since I'm actually able to get up before
7:00 now.


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