That's all wrote in the 'comments' section in my log
after Tuesday's training. Such is life during a taper.
I seem to be coming around though so life is good.
Life was over on Tuesday, but its back on Thursday.
I didn't get on here to comment on the Aggies' victory
over Mizzou because I was too busy helping Miss
Melissa become Mrs. Melissa over the weekend (cousin
Melissa for those in the know).
My weekend consisted of traveling Thursday, big day
of training Friday, rehearsal dinner Friday night,
Saturday morning workouts, go to church around 1:00n
to be the best damn Usher in the world, watch cousin
get married, take pictures outside church while
constantly checking Aggie game on cell phone, listen
to finish of game in car, announce wedding party at
reception, enjoy reception, go home at midnight, go to
bed, wake up, watch the 12,000,000 inches of raining
falling outside, put on running shoes, run 21 miles in
that dumb weather, watch the Texans 'play football',
hang out with friends, go home, go to bed, drive a
four-hour-drive in six hours because of another
12,000,000 inches of rain, go to swim practice, go
home, look at my watch at 8:15 and decide its time for
bed. Sleep 11 hours.
And for some reason I can't seem to understand why I
feel completely wiped out on Tuesday. HMMMMMMMMM.
But seriously... ....The wedding was great and I'm
psyched she found such a great guy.
The run was miserable though. I have the patience for
about one of those sessions/year. Since the year is
almost finished I figured I had better cash in on it.
Let's see; what else?
I heard on the radio that Brandon Flowers of The
Killers claimed that their latest album was the best
album in the last twenty years. Well I listened to it
three times through on my way back home. Its not the
best album to come out in the last twenty years, but
it did get me to start thinking about what album might
fit that title.
I couldn't come up with an answer. In fact, I wasn't
even bold enought to narrow it down to the top 5
(Weezer's first album would be in there).
I did decide what the worst album in the last twenty
years is: Master P's "Last Don." Awful. You might find
something that is_just_as_bad, but nothing is worse
than that.
Time for the NLCS.
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