Racing and thoughts

I didn't win. I really wanted to win, but I didn't

I raced the Battle of San Jacinto OLY triathlon this
weekend in Houston (La Porte actually).

The race began in Galveston Bay and the water was
still cool enough to make the swim wetsuit legal
(barely at 77 or so). The water was a little choppy
and that typically works to my advantage. I tend to
get dropped early on in races when the pure swimmers
can hammer out in flat water, but choppy water keeps
things closer together and I have a better chance of
hanging onto the pack until the pace settles.

The swim broke up very quickly. Eventually the race
leader pulled ahead and I swam solo in second until it
finished. Unfortunately I was starting to feel really
hot and that is never a good thing for me. Overheating
in the water is quite detrimental to my racing.

I felt really sick at the start of the bike. My HR was
in the 180s, I puked, and I generally just felt
wrecked. Luckily the race included some solid climbs
early on which forced me to ride hard, but then
allowed my HR and my core temp to drop on the
descents. After the first 8-10 miles the course goes
dead flat. My legs felt much better by this point and
I was in the lead.

I overheated in the Lifetime Fitness Tri last year and
it showed itself on the run. Knowing this, I decided I
was going to "TJ" the rest of the bike course (ride as
hard as I could, a la Mr. Tollakson).

I hit the the two loop run course and I likely
ascended every single mile. Things were getting worse
and with one mile to go I was passed. I was frustrated
that I couldn't race to my normal ability, but I was
pleased that I managed to hold it together physically
until the end. I actually thought I was going to have
to drop out of the race around mile 2. I held it
together enough to hold onto 2nd so s'all good.


I kind of see the weather channel as the next MTV. MTV
revolved solely around music videos in the beginning
and the Weather Channel addresses the current (or
future) weather forecasts. Now we all know MTV has
next to nothing to do with music videos now and sister
stations (and sister stations of the sister stations)
had to be created to host these music videos.

The WC is the same way. More 'shows' are in the daily
and prime time lineup, and who knows? Maybe there will
be a WC2 one day.


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