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You'll start to see monthly articles from me on the Endurance Corner website in the future.

I've been short on updates as of late. Following the Endurance Corner Tucson Camp I started my training up with a more structured focus. The first three (well, really four) weeks were tough simply because training made me tired and recovery was prolonged. However, now that a few weeks have gone by I'm starting to feel like I'm absorbing the training instead rejecting it.

I also finalized plans for this upcoming season. Technically my 2010 season started with Wanaka in January, but in my mind, it was an extension from last season. I took a break in late January and February and have only been back at things for a short while. Having said that, I look forward to returning to a couple races I did last year: Memphis in May and Boise 70.3. I tend to have good luck with my second attempt at races so lets hope that rings true in the coming months.

As for Long Course races; I have Lake Placid and Hawai'i on the list for the back half of the season. I have never raced Lake Pacid and I haven't been to Hawai'i since 2004 so it should be a fun year of trying something new.
